Privacy Policy

Well Hung Limited is committed to protecting the privacy of our clients and visitors. This privacy notice sets out how we will use personal data collected from you or provided to us whilst using our website,  purchasing products from us in-store, or from any other forms of correspondence.

Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. As a customer or visitor of our website or shop, you acknowledge  and understand the practices described in this policy.

For the purpose of data protection legislation, Well Hung Limited is the data controller for the personal data processed as part of your use of our website.

What information we store and why

As a customer of Well Hung, either online or in-store we may collect and store the following information:

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Contact numbers
  • Personal and/or business addresses
  • e-mails records

This information is stored so we can continue provide an efficient, quality driven service. Should you require to re-order from us, we have records of your previous orders and communications, so that we can advise and offer products that are tailored to you. We may use your contact details to get in touch with news about our products, exhibitions, offers or other promotional material that we believe will be of interest.

Payment Processing

Well hung does not store any banking or payment details of customers for both online sales and in-house sales. All online payments are secured through Sage Pay, and are processed by first data merchant solutions. We are fully compliant to the PCI DSS program.

E-mail marketing subscriptions

Under the GDPR we use the consent lawful basis for anyone subscribing to our newsletter or marketing mailing list. Any email marketing messages we send are done so through an email marketing service provider.

Email marketing messages that we send may contain tracking beacons / tracked clickable links or similar server technologies in order to track subscriber activity within email marketing messages. Where used, such marketing messages may record a range of data such as; times, dates, I.P addresses, opens, clicks, forwards, geographic and demographic data. Such data, within its limitations will show the activity each subscriber made for that email campaign.

Any email marketing messages we send are in accordance with the GDPR. We provide you with an easy method to withdraw your consent by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the emails.


Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site.

How we use cookies

Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit some websites. We use cookies to make sure the website is meeting people’s needs, to understand how we can improve the website and to make using the website easier. Information on the cookies we use is set out below.

You can disable any cookies already stored on your computer.

The cookies will not share any personal information with third parties.

Google Analytics cookies

Google Analytics stores information about what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got here and what you click on. These cookies do not collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are. We do not allow Google to use or share our analytics data.

Name What does it do? Expires
_ga This cookie allows Google Analytics to track unique users via a client identifier that is randomly generated After 2 years
_gat This cookie is used by Google Analytics to monitor and track visitors’ behaviour on the site anonymously. After 30 minutes


Our site may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

Your data protection rights

You have the right:

  • to ask us for access to information about you that we hold
  • to have your personal data rectified, if it is inaccurate or incomplete
  • to request the deletion or removal of personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing, for example if we are required to retain it for statutory purposes,
  • to restrict our processing of your personal data (i.e. permitting its storage but no further processing), although in some cases we will not be able to restrict our processing, for example if we are required to process it for statutory purposes or to protect Well Hung Limited
  • to object to certain types of processing
  • to not to be subject to decisions based purely on automated processing where it produces a legal or similarly significant effect on you
  • in certain circumstances you have the right to data portability

If you need to contact us regarding any of the above, or in the event there is a change to your personal information, for example contact details, please contact

If you want to unsubscribe from mailing lists or any marketing, you should look for and follow the instructions we have provided within the appropriate area(s) of the website or in the relevant communications to you.

Alternatively, you can unsubscribe at any time by following this link or contacting

Further information about your data protection rights appears on the Information Commissioner’s website at:

Withdrawal of consent and the right to lodge a complaint

We may sometimes process your data for specific purposes which require your consent. If we do this we will always ask for your written consent and provide you with a copy. Where we are processing your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This may affect the benefits or services that we can make available to you but this will be explained in the consent form.

If you change your mind, or you are unhappy with our use of your personal data, please let us know by contacting our Data Protection Officer at

Alternatively, you have the right to raise any concerns with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) via their website at


Unless otherwise stated on our sites (including in these Terms), we are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights (including trademarks, copyright, database rights, design rights, confidentiality rights and all other rights having equivalent or similar effect) in our sites (including the material published on it). All such rights are reserved.

You acknowledge and agree that the Well Hung logo on our sites are our exclusive property and that you shall not make use of them without prior written consent from us. You shall not acquire, nor claim, any right, title or interest in or to any of them (or the goodwill attaching to them). All goodwill arising from the use of them shall at all times accrue to us.

Except to the extent that you are obliged by a court order or regulatory body to disclose it, you shall keep confidential all confidential information belonging to us that we may disclose to you.

Please contact us if you would like to refer to our sites or any material on it. Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the authors of material on our sites must always be acknowledged.