It’s the little things

We are are delighted to announce ‘It’s the Little Things’, a group exhibition with artists; Slinkachu, Isaac Cordal, Pablo Delgado, Hin, Miss Printed and Joe Iurato.
Playing on the notion of surprise, scale and dimension – ‘It’s the Little Things’ brings together a collection of artists who create a narrative through site-specific street art or installations.
Selected for working in the miniature scale, these artists use public and outdoor spaces as a backdrop to create thought provoking and often whimsical imagery. Whilst many street artists are all about the bigger and bolder, these artists’ miniature scenes and installations are small in scale but make big statements about our environment and the way we live with clever juxtapositions, often providing a visual commentary on life.
The exhibition will showcase new works by all artists who have developed work for the theme ‘It’s the Little Things’. These works include installations, sculptures and photography and will be on display until 6th April.
Please join us on Thursday 14th March for a private view from 6-9pm.